

Who revived the idea of Olympics games?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Baron Pierre de Coubertin founded the International Olympic Committee in 1890.

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Who revived the idea or the Olympic games?

Pierre de Coubertin revived the idea for the modern Olympics in 1889 and seven years later the first modern Olympic Games were held at Athens, Greece.

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The French man who revived the Olympics is Pierre de Coubertin.

Who revived the idea of the olympic games in 1894?

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When Pierre de Coubertin revived the Olympic movement at the end of the 19th century, his idea was to make it an international event and have the games in a different country each time.

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Why did they revive modern Olympics?

they were revived in 1896

Why were the Olympics games re-established?

The revived tradition of the Olympic games as an idea was restarted in France by Baron Pierre de Coubertin. Coubertin promoted the importance of the Olympics for athleticism in young people. The first game was held in Athens in 1896.

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The organizers revived the games to encourage world peace and friendship and to promote healthy sporting competition for the youth of the world.

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When were the Olympics brought back?

The First IOC Olympics to place in 1896 but I think the modern Olympics were revived in 1859.

Who initiated the modern Olympics?

It was revived by an Englishman - William Penny Brookes in attending his games it inspired Baron Pierre de Coubertin who would later develop Brookes' idea into the modern Olympic Games.