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Q: Who makes more money Pro NFL football players or pro soccer players?
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Who gets more money between an NFL football player or a Europe soccer player?

i think nfl football players

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Yes, a lot more.

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Do football players make more money than basketball plAyers?

There is a wide range of salaries in professional football (also known as soccer), and the amount of money a player makes can depend on a variety of factors such as their skill level, the team they play for, and the country in which they play. Generally, players who compete at the highest levels of the sport, such as in major European leagues or on national teams, tend to earn the most money. However, there is also a significant pay gap between male and female football players, with male players generally earning more. h̴t̴t̴p̴s̴:̴/̴/̴w̴w̴w̴.̴d̴i̴g̴i̴s̴t̴o̴r̴e̴2̴4̴.̴c̴o̴m̴/̴r̴e̴d̴i̴r̴/̴3̴7̴2̴5̴7̴6̴/̴D̴o̴n̴e̴s̴u̴u̴u̴/̴

Do football players or baseball players make more money?

Yes soccer players get paid more than basketball player. The reason for this is that Basketball is mostly funded by the US. Soccer is funded by many countries. So soccer is the higher paid sport.

Who earns more football or basketball players?

football players make more money

What gets the most money basketball football or soccer?


How much money does soccer players make?

Soccer players in France make $400,000 per year and American soccer players make $300,000 per year.

Who makes more money football players or rapper?

A rapper make more money my uncle is a rapper Lil Wayne u now he make a yeAr

What do soccer players earn?

Money. Fame.

Who makes more money a soccer player or a surgeon?

Depends on the player. Cristiano Ronaldo makes 12.5 million € a year. Amateur players play for expenses.

Who gets more money a surgen or a football player?

The answer is a football player makes more. A football player makes 23.1 million if they win the super bowl. And a surgeon makes 329,229 a year, less then 2% of a football salery. Ans#2 Of course, that presumes that the football player in the example is one of the few hundredths of a percentage of the total number of football players who actually makes it to the Super Bowl--and that you can disregard all of the football players who make less than minimum wage working for farm teams. The handful of professional football players who actually make an enviable amount of money from the sport pales in comparison to the number of surgeons who make 6-digit incomes or more. That SOME football players make more money than SOME surgeons does not mean that ALL football players make more money than ALL surgeons. The same holds for rock musicians, drug dealers, and actors. Consider also the working lifetime for a surgeon. You don't find many football players retiring after playing for 30 years.