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If the setter receives the first hit, the second hit (the set) is usually taken by the player in the front right corner of the court. This is especially true if the play is six person using a six-two offence.

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Q: Who hits second if the setter receives the serve?
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What does point mean in volleyball?

It's when you score on the other team, like serving or anything else. Example I serve the ball and it hits the floor on your side of the court. Point for me! You serve and it and I get the ball to the setter then she sets it to the hitter. The hitter messes up. Point you.

What is a let?

A let is when the server serves a ball and it hits the top of the net and still goes in the correct service box. The server gets to redo that service. For example if the person serves their second serve and it hits the net and still goes in it is a let, and they get to serve again on their second serve.

The positions for a setter in volleyball?

The setter can play right front or right back, depending on the coach. When the other team hits an outside, right side, or middle the setter plays defense for tips and the goes to his or her setters box, if they don't pass. If the setter passes the primary setter sets (left front, left back) and then the setter gets ready to hit a red or a 5.

How do you solve problem when first serve hit the net?

it is a fault and they go on to second serve, on the same side. if a ball hits the top of the net and goes in, it is a let and if that was the first serve it is still first serve, same side, no score change. if the server double faults the other team gets the point, and if on the second serve someone serves a let, it is still second serve, not a fault

In tennis if you hit the net on you second serve do you reserve?

If it hits the net and goes into the service box, you get one re-serve (as opposed to getting two re-serves if you do that on your first serve). If it hits the net and does not land in the service box, then it is a double fault.

On volleyball how many hits per person?

When the ball comes over your side, your team only has 3 hits to get it over. In those 3 hits, a person cannot hit the ball 2 times in a row. A player can bump the ball to the setter, then the setter sets the ball, and he/she can hit it again.

What does the setter do in vollyball?

in volley ball the setter in back just rotates as a normal player (hitter) until they get to the front where they run a 4:2 so the person in the middle switches with them after the ball is served and switches back after every point so people stay in rotation

What are the new rules for badminton?

That whenever you hit the shuttle cock out or it hits the net your opponent gets a point, and there is no second serve

What is alet ball in tennis?

a let ball is when your ball hits the net and still goes over (like, hits the very tip) on a serve. That is a let. If it doesn't go over it's just considered out. You can reserve, and if it's your first serve, it's still your first serve. Same with second.

What is let?

A let is when the server serves a ball and it hits the top of the net and still goes in the correct service box. The server gets to redo that service. For example if the person serves their second serve and it hits the net and still goes in it is a let, and they get to serve again on their second serve.

Can you hit the front wall and back wall in racquetball?

Yes, they are required to hit the ball before it hits the floor a second time ... no matter how may walls it hits.

What is the difference between a let serve and a net serve?

Let serve is where it hits net but still lands in play and you get to re-take the serve. A net serve is where it hits the net and doesn't go over all lands out of play.