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Q: Which martial art means The way of the sword?
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Japanese martial art meaning way of sword?

That would be Kendo.

What does ryu means?

ryu mean dragon it also mean way or path. In Japanese Martial Arts, ryu refers to style or school of martial art. For example, there are sword schools with different styles which would be considered different ryus. Ryu in hayashi means association.

When was kendo invented?

Kendo originated in Japan. The word comes from "ken" meaning "sword" and "do" meaning "way of." The literal translation is "way of the sword."

What martial arts is way of the sword?


Japanese martial art of fighting with long wooden canes?

{| |- | The martial art of Kendo is fought with wooden cane swords. It is a way of putting swordmanship to the test without deaths. If the practitioner were to use a real sword, there would be very few fights! |}

What is 'martial arts studio' in Korean?

도장 Dojang (pronounced "Doe Jahng") - meaning "Hall of the Way." "Jang" means Hall, and Do is the "way" referring to the way of Martial Art as in "Taekwondo." The term Dojang is sometimes translated as the "Hall of Enlightenment" since the Martial Art is a way of life for the warrior who seeks enlightenment through meditation, introspection, and philosophy.

How do you spell judoe?

The martial art is spelled judo.

What is An art developed by ancient samurai?

What is an art? An art is mostly called a "do" or way. like Ken-do, way of the Sword. Jutsu means about the same thing. Like Naginata-jutsu, fighting with a Naginata.

What is the worst approach to martial arts of all times A way of using and creating martial arts?

Tamerlan Kuzgov took useless elements of various martial arts, elements that do not work in his personal experience and invented the mixed martial art. Its code name is Hardfight. The worst approach to create and use a martial art means a way of making a useless or ineffective martial art. Because his approach is to take only useless, ineffective elements from various martial arts to create and use a martial art, then Hardfight is the worst approach ever created. It's a truth because you can't come up with a worse approach than that.

Why judo called the gentle way?

Judo is the martial art referred to as the "gentle way."

What is the martial art known the way of the foot and fist?

The Martial Art known as the way of the foot and fist is Taekwondo.The answer is C.Taekwondo. 태권도In Korean it translates as follows:태 = "Tae" means to stomp, smash, or strike with the foot.권 = "Kwon" means to strike, or smash with the hand or fist.도 = "Do" is a variation of the Chinese term "tao" which has a philosophy of "ideal action" and is often translated as "art," "way," and "path."The phrase "way of the hand and foot" is a common, but rough translation that does not fully capture he true meaning of the term, nor the full essence of the art.

Which martial art translates from the Japanese as harmony energy way?

That would be Aikido.