Kendo is the japanese martial art of the sword. Iaido is the art of drawing the sword. Kyudo is the art of archery, Yabusame, the art of horseback archery. These were all practiced by samurai. In England knights also trained in ways of the sword, shield, mace, longbow, catapult and other weaponry. Although they had no exotic names, these disciplines are martial arts in the most literal sense.
Judo is originally a Japanese martial art which emphasises throwing.
Judo is the Japanese martial art that was derived from JuJitsu by Kano Sensei.
Kendo originated in Japan. The word comes from "ken" meaning "sword" and "do" meaning "way of." The literal translation is "way of the sword."
Its called Kendo. You use a Kendo stick made of bamboo and other material.
{| |- | The martial art of Kendo is fought with wooden cane swords. It is a way of putting swordmanship to the test without deaths. If the practitioner were to use a real sword, there would be very few fights! |}
Jujitsu is a Japanese martial art. The word is Japanese and means 'The gentle art.'
Modern Karate
The martial art is spelled judo.
It is a martial art, but is somewhat different, but Judo and its root art of Jujutsu are Japanese martial arts.
ryu mean dragon it also mean way or path. In Japanese Martial Arts, ryu refers to style or school of martial art. For example, there are sword schools with different styles which would be considered different ryus. Ryu in hayashi means association.