

Which Greek god were the ancient Olympics dedicated to?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Which Greek god were the ancient Olympics dedicated to?
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Who were the ancient Olympics dedicated to?

They were dedicated to the Greek king of the gods, Zeus.

Were the Olympics held in honour of the god Zeus?

In the ancient Olympics, the event was dedicated to god Zeus by the Greek people. The Olympics was held in the Olympia plains of Peloponnesus, Greece.

What is the name of the Greek god that Olympics were dedicated to?


Who was the ancient Olympics games held for?

The greek god Zeus

What is the name of the god you most associate with the Olympics?

For the ancient Olympics any of the ancient Greek gods, particularly Zeus. For modern Olympics whichever is the god of your belief system.

Which god was the Olympics games of ancient Greek sacred to?

Zeus god of the sky and lightning

Is there a Greek God of the Olympics?

The ancient Olympics were held in honor of the Greek god Zeus, primarily.

Why did ancient Greece event the Olympics?

Because the people of Ancient Greece wanted to honour the Greek god Zeus, king of the gods.

Did the gods make up the sports in ancient Greek Olympics?

The Games were a celebration to the god Zeus.

Was the ancient greek god of the god?

Asclepius was the ancient Greek god of medicine.

Who was the god that was celerbrated at the ancient greek olympics?

The god who was honored at the ancient Olympic Games was Zeus. Zeus was the supreme god and god of the sky and thunder. According to myth, Zeus and and his son Heracles founded the Games.

Why were the ancient Olympics started?

The Olympics were started as a ceremony honoring Zeus, the Greek god. One theory is that a cook had won a race of three and a half miles, starting the Olympics. :)