

Who was the ancient Olympics games held for?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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11y ago

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The greek god Zeus

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Q: Who was the ancient Olympics games held for?
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When and where the first ancient Olympics games held?

The ancient Olympic games were held in Olympia, Greece.

When and where the first Olympics games held?

The ancient Olympic games were held in Olympia, Greece.

Where was the asthens ancient Olympics held?

The Olympics were held by and in Elis, not Athens. There were the Istmian games near Athens.

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When were the first Olympics held in Greece?

The first ancient games were held in 776 BC.

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The ancient Olympics were held at Olympia, the first modern games were at Athens.

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suck it!!

What are the ancient Olympics games?

They were competitions held between states within ancient Greece similar to today's Olympic Games. Click on the 'Ancient Olympics' below to learn more about them.

In what year was the first ancient Olympics games held in Greece?

776 BC

What was the ancient Olympics festive held for women?

The women weren't allowed to participate in the ancient Olympic games.

What country or state were the first Olympics held?

The ancient games were held at Olympia, Greece. The first of the modern games (1896) were held in Athens, Greece