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No, muscles do not create new cells over time; they merely generate microscopic 'tears' in the muscle after strenuous activity then fill in the 'gaps' which makes the muscles longer instead of having more cells.

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Q: When lifting weights do muscle tissues form new cell to make the muscles larger?
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If Lamarck's hypothesis of species modification were true the child of a person who developed large muscles by lifting weights would be born with?

normal-sized muscles that would become larger only if the children also lifted weights.

Why does lifting weights make muscles appear larger?

When a muscle pulls on something, its fibres contract. This makes the muscle 'bunch up' and appear bigger.

What is used for lifting heavy weights?

Although the details of how it actually occurs at still unknown, muscles react to resistance or weight training by becoming stronger and usually larger. The important point is that weight lifting stimulates growth; in other words, the growth does not occur in the gym but afterwards during recovery as your body adapts to the increased demands you have put on it.

How do muscles get larger or smaller?

by hypertrophy (bigger) by making them do alot more work than they use to by lifting weights usually, and atrophy (not being used to same extent as they were)for them to get smaller or 'waste' away from lack of a sustained workload.

Why does our muscles became bigger when we are lifting heavy objects?

As you lift weights, your muscle's fibers are being ripped apart. After that, the muscle grows in order to be "normal" again and not ripped apart, making it bigger.

What is the difference between the terms power lifting and weight lifting?

Weight training is the science of using weights (or another form of external resistance) in order to train your body to perform a certain task with better ease, efficiency, or technique. This broad category includes simple ankle weights worn while jogging, all the way up to half-ton leg presses. Weight lifting (i.e. bodybuilding) is a subset of weight training. It specifically identifies the discipline of weight training for the purpose of building larger, stronger, or more well-defined muscles. This is in contrast to weight training, which includes those things, plus weight loss, balance, flexibility, and certain athletic skills.

Has any one stunted their growth from weightlifting?

Not directly. The growth stunting is done by steroids, which are taken to allow for heavier weights to be lifted and larger muscles to be built.

Are there pills that can make you gain weight?

Well, If you are trying to gain weight, then you should probably try to build muscle mass by Eating lots of protein, and Lifting weights (Maxing out, not lots of reps). If you Do a lot of reps with weights, you will build endurance, But if you Max out while lifting, Muscle tissue will tear, Drink some Protein shake that will help repair it, and the scar tissue will be slightly larger than it was originally. That is how to get bigger muscles, which weigh more, and are a lot healthier than fat. So, The answer to your question: Protein and Exercise, but mostly exercise.

How do I build muscles through training?

Generally speaking there are specific exercises that work different muscle groups. You should work different groups on different days in order to give muscles the required rest in order to grow. Muscle growth occurs through tiny tears in the muscle caused by lifting weight. When the muscle heals it regenerates and grows larger. This is why it's important to mix rest in with working out. Also don't overdo it. Start with lifting weights that you are comfortable with and build up from there. Too much too quick is not a good thing.

What exercises make your butt larger?

Skating and downhill skiing are good for building big glutes - butt muscles.

Why are proximal muscles usaully larger and stronger than distal muscles?

because they are larger

What is the main difference between free weights and a universal machine?

Free weights cost less money. People have used free weights on a weight bench and have not used a spotter. The free weights have fallen on them and killed them. A universal machine is more expensive. You can not drop a universal machine on yourself.