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Of course. Actually that's a great way to do it. when lifting weights you want to focus on a body part and really get a good workout. You will find that most professional athletes do upper body one day and lower body the next or back and chest one day legs and abs the next day and then arms and shoulders the next day. Remeber to get good definition don't lift weights that are too easy or weights that you can easily do 8 or more reps with at once. you wnat to stress and shcok your muscles so they grow. Each time you work out make it challenging so your musles are like WOW what jsut happned we have to be stronger the next time. make sure you eat a very low fat dieat rich in green leafy veggies and frutis and also lean protein. :]

happy lifting.

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Q: When lifting weights can you work out your upper body one day work out legs next day and next day back to upper body?
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If you started lifting weights and you messed your shot up, it would be ideal to slowly work yourself back to where you were. Exercise and lift weights to help bring your body back to where it needs to be, slowly.

Why do body builders wear belts when they work out?

Wearing a belt while lifting weights is essential to prevent any problems with your back. It also supports your back while lifting heavy weights. It would be foolish to try to attempt to lift heavy weights without one.

Is it neccessary to wear a belt when lifting weights?

You do not have to use a belt when lifitng weights but it very wise. It helps prevents your body from muscle and back injuries.

Do you get fat if you quit lifting weights?

This answer depends on your diet. If you continue to consume the same amount of calories after you quit lifting, then yes you may get fat. Lifting weights burns calories and muscles need these calories to build more muscle. If you quit lifting weights, your body no longer needs as many calories. Also, your metabolism will slow after you quit lifting weights. Now, if you quit lifting weights and also cut calories, you will not get fat.

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The most common types of back pain injuries are usually improper lifting techniques and car accidents. You can avoid lifting injuries by always lifting with your legs instead of your back or upper body.

Will lifting weights help you gain muscle?

Lifting weights will make your muscles contrast and burn fat from your body while strengthening the muscles at the same time. It will help you gain muscle.

Is lifting weights bad?

No. This is one of the things that is commonly misunderstood about lifting heavy weights. Lifting weights is not bad. There are people that squat four times their body weight and they have never been injured badly. If you do exercises with proper form, you will be able to gain muscle without injuring yourself.

Will lifting weights help you get stronger?

if you wanna get strong you should lift heavy weights, heavy weights gives strength and big muscle's, low weights gives fit/slim body

How do you build calf muscle?

You can do exercises that work that area of your body, such as lifting weights or riding a bike.Running and Biking.

How do you make your body use a specific muscle when lifting weights?

You have to a specific kind of workout with weights. For example, if you do lat pull downs which is a good back exercise and works the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, posterior deltoid, rhomboids, infraspinatus, and teres major.

Does lifting heavy weights help to gain body mass or gain weight?

Cause you get stronger and thatputs on weight