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The king, in Chess, can only move two spaces when performing a move called "a Castle". This can only be performed when there is no piece between the King and closest Rook (so the bishop and the knight have advanced along the board), and neither the king nor the closest rook have been previously moved. If that is the case, then you can move the king two spaces toward the rook, and place the rook to the space immediately to the left of the King. This is called a Castle, and this is the ONLY time the king can move two space during the duration of one game. Outside of this move, the king only moves one space at a time.

- answer provided by black atticus

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A king may move more than one space during the move known as "Castling" : castling is a special move in the game of chess involving the king and either of the original rooks of the same color. It is the only move in chess (except promotion) in which a player moves two pieces at the same time. Castling consists of moving the king two squares towards a rook on the player's first rank, then moving the rook onto the square over which the king crossed. Castling can only be done if the king has never moved, the rook involved has never moved, the squares between the king and the rook involved are not occupied, the king is not in check, and the king does not cross over or end on a square in which it would be in check. Castling is one of the rules of chess and is technically a king move

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No , the King cannot move more than two places at a time unless in the process of castling . The Pawn can , only upon it's first move , move two spaces . See related links below .

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He can move any number of times, but only two square per turn, and in any direction.

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No, a king can move one space in any direction.

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Kings can move one space in ANY directionIf neither the king nor a selected rook has moved yet during the game MAY move the king two spaces towards the selected rook and then move the rook one space to the opposite side of the rook

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This power of moving two spaces on the Pawn's first move was done , to make the game more interesting and to enable 'en passant' capture(s) , in the 15th Century .

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You do not always have to do that!