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776 BCE.

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Q: What year was the first ever Olympic Games held in Greece?
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Where was the first ever recorded Olympic games held?

Athens, Greece

Where was the first ever Olympic games?

The original Olympic Games were first recorded in 776 BC in Olympia, Greece, and were held until AD 393.

Where were the first ever Olympic Games held?

In 776 BCE at Olympia in Elis in southern Greece.

Who is the inventor of the Olympic Games?

The modern olympic games were invented by the frenchman Baron pierre de courbertin. The first ever olympics though, was in ancient greece!

What year and country were the first ever Olympics held?

The first modern Olympic games,were in Athens Greece in the year 1896...prior to that the games were held in Greece,and featured only Greek male athletes

Who did win the first olympic games?

A chef won the first ever Olympic games.

Which country were the first to light the olympic flame?

Greece, they were the first to ever have the Olympics

When was the firs ever ancient Olympics?

The first ever olympic was held in Greece,Olympia

When did the first olympic games start?

2788 years ago - 776 BC was the first ever olymic games held in Athens (Greece).

What was the only 'unofficial' Olympics ever held in the history of the modern Olympics?

I think it is the 1906 Olympic Games held in Athens, Greece. It is not officially recognised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) as it is the first and only mid-cycle Intercalated Games to be held in Athens, Greece where some traditons were embraced.

Did Greece have queens?

are u joking no way Greece never ever ever had queens in Greece women had no value they were not allowed to participate or watch olympic games. In the period from 500-336 BC Greece was divided into small city states, each of which was ruled by a king.

When where the first ever olymipic games held?

It was held in Olympia, Greece.