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Basketball get more popular every year.

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How Has basketball gotten more popular?

in the NBA it got popular by the trades in which hype up basketball fans

What is more popurler basketball or soccer?

Soccer is more popular

Is volleyball or basketball more popular?

Volleyball and Basketball are even! They are both a fun sport and are watched!!! Another question u might want to ask is Is volleyball or soccer more popular well soccer is more popular and is watched more.

In the world is basketball more popular then baseball?

Yes it is.

Why is football more popular in the US?

No in the U.s.A basketball, baseball , N.h.L and N.F.L are more popular then football.

Does basketball sell more tickets than baseball?

I think it does because of the fact that basketball is more popular than baseball.

Is Basketball more popular than BAseball?

In my opinion yes because I know more people that play basketball than baseball.

What more popular college football or basketball?

i would have to say football

Why is basketball more popular then volleyball?

Football is more popular than soccer and basketball, because you can do anything: catch, hit, kick, push, run, throw, and more.(Football isn't more popular than soccer. Soccer is the most popular team sport in the world :D)

Which is most popular basketball or formula one racing?

Worldwide Formula 1 is far more popular.

Is football more populare than basketball?

That depends on whether you mean to play or to watch. To play, basketball is much more popular due to its less aggressive nature. One can also pick up a ball and play anytime as little equipment is required. Football is probably more popular to watch.

Which sport is watched more football or basketball?

That is true in a way. In the US basketball is more popular than soccer. That is why basketball players are paid more. In other countries, soccer is more popular so soccer players get paid more. Soccer in the US is becoming increasingly popular. Soon soccer players could be paid as much as basketball players.