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In my opinion yes because I know more people that play Basketball than Baseball.

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13y ago

Hell no.

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Q: Is Basketball more popular than BAseball?
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I personally like basketball more, but I believe some people like WATCHING baseball more because it is easier to watch and follow than basketball.

Is baseball better than basketball?

It depends on person to person, but for playing basketball requires less equipment and players. In watching basketball is more popular, but baseball is fun to watch too. I would rate basketball over baseball, but then again depends on person to person. Any answer would be opinionated; some people like baseball better, and others like basketball better.

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In the US, basketball is more popular than soccer. The four major sports in the US are American football (NFL), baseball (MLB), basketball (NBA) and ice hockey (NHL).

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Is football more populare than basketball?

That depends on whether you mean to play or to watch. To play, basketball is much more popular due to its less aggressive nature. One can also pick up a ball and play anytime as little equipment is required. Football is probably more popular to watch.

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