

What sports do men and women play?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Tennis, Football, Rugby Union and Golf.

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Q: What sports do men and women play?
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When will women and men play sports together?

Co-Ed Sportsmen and women will be able to play sports togather when men realize that women are just as equal as them and realize that we wont get hurt when we play against them, we can actually beat them :) answered by a women.. (who loves sports)

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no, women should stay home and take care of the men who have actual talent and play sports

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What sports do men an women get to play together in?

None, for all I know.

What sports were women not allowed to play in past history?

There are no sports in which women are not allowed to play. However, there must be a minimum amount of participating women for there to be an actual sports association for women (as there are men), but there are no sports in which women are not allowed to play. Something strange at my school is that girls can play football but boys can't play volleyball.

What sports did women play when men went off to war?

Very few sports were played. Everyone was centered on the war.

Ancient rome sports clothing?

Ancient Romans didn't wear clothing while playing sports. Both men and women had nothing on. Although, women did not not play many sports.

What sports women play on?

Women play sports of all kinds.

Is its fair that men get paid more to play sport than women at an elite level?

Yes, Men's sports bring in a LOT more money than womens sports.

Did women play the sport in the victorian era?

Middle class women in the victorian era played lawn tennis and it was popular. Women didnt usually play sport in era, especially if they were'nt in the middle class, only men played sports. Men played mob football and then different sports throughout the years. women gradually started to play sports around the 1900s.

What was the first gender to play soccer?

men.... obviously. women weren't accepted in the sports world for centuries

Are there any sports which men are not allowed to play?

Technically there are no sports that only men can play. Women (in most countries) can play any sport. There is a difference from being allowed to play verses being able to play. Also some sports most women prefer not to play. Even though they can they may not want too. So basically there aren't really any sports that are mostly for men. There is no reason women cannot play most sports, as long as they compete only against other females. There has been much talk about women athletes competing against males. This is not good, as some sports requiring violent collisions, like in NFL football, and this would be dangerous for women, as they are smaller by one third than the average man.