

What sport gets the most injured players?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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I personally think football

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Q: What sport gets the most injured players?
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what sport has the most players worldwide

What sport can you get injured the most?

The sport that I think there are most injured is soccer, it is a sport of interaction between most of the members of each team and with a lot of strength, since it is when you run you arrive with flight and a lot of strength.

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they are cricket players most indians will support them

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What sport has the most players?

Most likely football,rugby

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How many football injuries happen per game?

In the NFL, players will get injured all the time. Most games have at least one injury in it, whether it is a major or minor injury. Sometimes, they even get injured off the field, perhaps in the workout room, or out in public. It is hard to name an exact amount of injuries, because so many players get injured all the time.

Do all rugby players get injured?

No, not all players get injured. However, most will receive some injury at some point in their playing career, and a large number receive major injuries.

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football probably

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What are the Dangers of playing soccer?

Injuries can occur to the legs and head. Players can have their ankles and/or knees injured by tackles. Players can pull muscles in their legs from all of the running or running on a wet turf. The head could be injured if two people go up at the same time for a header and their heads collide. Most of the injuries are minor and should not persuade anyone from playing the sport.