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Probably a tennis court. Alot of schools play it in their gym, so you might want to find a similar surface. To protect your joints, where the proper padding!

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Q: What playing surface is used for volleyball?
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There are a number of different kinds of equipment used in playing volleyball. You need a net, a ball, players, and usually some sort of protective gear for the wrists and knees.

What are the types of playing surfaces for playing volleyball?

Men's and Women's indoor volleyball, and beach volleyball men's and women's

How is the quadratic equation used in volleyball?

If you refer to actually playing volleyball, you certainly won't need the quadratic equation or other advanced math.

What are the dominant muscles used when playing volleyball?

mainly leg muscules....some arm

What is the length of volleyball post?

It doesn't really matter how high the posts are but the net should be 7 ft from the playing surface. Hope this helps

What year did they start playing volleyball?

In 1895, volleyball was first invented.

What is a sentence about volleyball without using like or as?

I enjoy playing volleyball.

What materials are needed in playing volleyball?

... a court,a volleyball,net and 2 stands.

What is the equipment used in playing volleyball?

if your pee is green go to a doctor if your pee is green go to a doctor

What are the health benefits of volleyball?

Playing volleyball can benefit health. It increases heart rate and respiration, and also keeps the body moving. Muscles in the arms, legs, and core are used.

When ball out on playing volleyball?

The answer is out of line

What is the floor surface at indoor volleyball at Olympics?
