

What olymipc sport is divded into alpine and Nordic?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What olymipc sport is divded into alpine and Nordic?
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What olympic sport is divided into alpine and nordic?


What olympic sport is divided in alpine and nordic?


Is there also alpine skiing?

Of course! There is nordic skiing, mostly on flatland and then there is alpine, the more popular, successful side of the sport.

When did Nordic combined become an Olympic sport?

Nordic Combined has been an Olympic sport since the first winter Olympics in 1924 held in Chamonix, France.

What exactly is Nordic skiing?

Nordic skiing is a type of skiing where the heel of the boot is not attached to the ski. Nordic skiing is still considered to be a winter sport or activity.

Aspen is associated with which sport?

Alpine skiing.

When did alpine sking become a olympic sport?

it became an Olympic sport in 1936

Do females participate in the nordic combined?

No, it's a men only sport

What is a sport used with the letter n?

· NASCAR · netball · Nordic skiing

What sport does jimmy cochran play?

alpine skiing

Is nordic combined a team sport or two people or an individual sport.?

This is an individual sport. It is half ski jumping and half cross country.

Is alpine skiing an individual or team sport?

It can be. Alpine skiing means downhill skiing while nordic skiing is cross-country skiing. Freestyle is part of alpine, but instead of just going down the mountain freestyle is specifially jumps, grinds tricks etc.