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Q: What is the valocity and force in karate?
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How much velocity would a roller coster have?

there is alot of valocity in a coster but no where near as much as when i wo raggin her last night there is alot of valocity in a coster but no where near as much as when i wo raggin her last night

Once the crate is sliding how hard do you push to keep is moving at constant valocity?

You should push with a force equal to the force of friction acting on the crate. This will counteract the friction force and allow the crate to continue moving at a constant velocity. Pushing with a greater force will accelerate the crate, while pushing with a force lower than the frictional force will cause it to decelerate.

In karate why is a short time of the applied force advantageous?

pressure points, and quick.

What has the author Steven Wayne Powell written?

Steven Wayne Powell has written: 'A cinematographical analysis and force measure of three styles of the karate back punch and side kick' -- subject- s -: Human mechanics, Karate, Physiological aspects, Physiological aspects of Karate

If a karate chop delivers a blow of 4000N to a board that breaks what is the force that acts upon the hand?

The force that acts upon the hand during the karate chop will also be 4000N, according to Newton's third law of motion. This law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

What is the type of defense where the use of force appears to be necessary to prevent harm or death?

Fighting skills such as karate or Martial arts.

How long has Chuck Norris been in karate?

1958 was when he joined the U.S. Air Force, see the related link below:

How did Canada prepare its force for the war?

They did a lots of training. they learned karate, jujitsu, ninjutsu and sword training.....Just kidding

What is the reaction force when a karate guy punches a wooden board?

result well be, the wood well break and the guy will fell nothing

When did Chuck Norris invent Karate?

Carlos Ray Norris aka Chuck Norris did not invent Karate. He does not even train in Karate. Chuck Norris trains and holds a masters rank in Tang Soo Do, a Korean form of martial art that has some roots to Shotokan Karate through General Choi, who was the founder of Tae Kwon Do. Chuck Norris mixed Tang Soo Do with Brazilian Jui Jutsu to create Chun Kuk Do, his own martial art. Karate is an Okinawa Martial Art and was popularized in Japan in the early 1920's by Gichin Funakoshi who is credited as the Father of Modern Karate Do. Chuck Norris never invented Karate, nor did he invent a new system of Karate. Contrary to urban legends, Chuck Norris did not invent karate. He learned Tang So Do, a Korean style of karate, while stationed in that country with the US Air Force.

What is the best karate movie?

try karate kid, it is very funny... hope i helped