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Q: What is the required rest between outings in womens softball?
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Related questions

What are the differences between a softball and a baseball?

a softball is larger, and most of the time harder. a baseball is used in mens baseball, as to a softball is used in womens. hope i helped,

Is the rubber closer to the plate in womens fastpitch softball than mens fastpitch softball?

Mens fastpitch softball rubber is 46 feet and womens is 43 feet.

When is NCAA softball signing day 2012?

National Signing Day for Womens Softball 2012?

Who founded the womens softball association?

MS. Cocah teacher

Who is the greatest catcher of all time in womens softball?

Dottie Green

Which is the sport that is only for womens in the Olympics?

At the 2008 Games, that would be softball.

What sport was added at the 2000 olympic games in Sydney Australia?

womens softball

Does Berkeley have womens softball?

Yes, they do. They are a very competitive program. Their coach is Diane Ninemire.

How far is pitcher mound from plate in womens softball?

43 feet in fast pitch

What is the fastest pitch ever recorded in womens softball?

The King and his Court.

How far is home plate to pitcher in womens softball?

47.912 feet from pitcher to home plate

What is a good softball team name for a gay womens league with black and red uniforms?

ball crushers