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the purpose is to change the ball's speed

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Q: What is the purpose of striking the ball in a game of volleyball?
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beach volleyball is a game you play at the beach with friends or family. beach volleyball ball is a soft ball you play with.

Is the ball in volleyball the focal point in the game?


How do you play volleyball on period?

you play the game with a ball

What is the benefit of volleyball game?

by hit the ball back in forth to everyone.

What is a mintonette in volleyball?

Within two years after the game was invented (volleyball was invented in 1895). Observers picked up on the rule that the ball could not touch the floor and began calling the game 'volley ball' which was eventually changed to 'volleyball'.

What is the definition of volleyball?

volleyball is a game in which two teams hit an inflated ball over a high net using their hands

Can you play the game of volleyball with a colored ball?

i am pretty sure you can but not 100% positive

What does a game in volleyball consist of?

hitting a ball back and forth over a net

What does a game of volleyball consist of?

hitting a ball back and forth over a net

What sports where put together to create volleyball?

game from===hand ball + lawn tennis....ball from basketball bladder....:)

How was volleyball introduced to the world?

Volleyball was introduced by the president of Singapore! He was very talented and suddenly he played with a ball and invented the game!!! (its true!)

In the game of volleyball are three members permitted to play or touch the ball?

no. only 2