

What is the most famous sport in the United States?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What is the most famous sport in the United States?
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The most popular player in any sport for the United States has to be from the nations past time. Baseball is our national sport and our famous player is Babe Ruth.

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The most common sport would be basketball, followed by football.

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that would be football

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The most common sport in the United States is Football.

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There are several famous natural landmarks in the United States. Perhaps the most famous is the Grand Canyon.

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The United States is the most famous place that begins with the letter U. The United Kingdom and United Arab Emirates also are famous places.

Baseball is national sport of which country?

The term of "most famous" asked without any more specifics can be answered this way: In the United States, baseball is a high profile sport and has a long history there. Based on the numbers of fans, and based on the knowledge of most people in the US, it can be safely said the sport is most famous in the USA. The term "most" is subjective of course.

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United States is the most popular country for the sport.

The wourld most popular sport is?

Football, known as soccer in the United States.

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socceris the most popular sport worldwide, in the united states it would be football.

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