The term of "most famous" asked without any more specifics can be answered this way: In the United States, Baseball is a high profile sport and has a long history there. Based on the numbers of fans, and based on the knowledge of most people in the US, it can be safely said the sport is most famous in the USA. The term "most" is subjective of course.
In the United States, baseball is known as a national pastime and is the national sport of the country.
America. Unofficially.
Venezuela's national sports is baseball.
the answer is north Korea
The national sport of Panama is baseball.
The national sport of Dominican Republic is Baseball
It always has been the national sport.
To promote Major League Baseball overseas in a country where baseball is the national sport.
To promote Major League Baseball overseas in a country where baseball is the national sport.
The national sport and the most popular sport of USA is football. Answer: There is no official national sport. More people are involved in baseball than in football, especially on the grassroots level.