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Q: What is the least number of darts needed to score 501 points?
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What were the tips of darts made of in the olden days?

The points of darts have traditionally been made of steel. In fact, the sport is often referred to as steel-tip darts, even though most points today consist of at least 80% tungsten (for added strength).

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yes, three points in the least number of points that can be used to define a plane. if you used two points you would only have a line, and one point is a point

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The least number of electrons needed in a shell is 2, as the first shell can hold a maximum of 2 electrons.

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At least another number is needed to find the LCM

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depends on the position of the points if points are collinear, we have just only one line, the minimum number. If points are in different position (if any of the two points are not collinear) we have 21 lines (7C2), the maximum number of lines.

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18 pts