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Q: What is the floor surface at indoor volleyball at Olympics?
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Related questions

What are the two types of volleyball?

There is hard court volleyball, which is played on a wooden floor and there is beach volleyball, which is played in the sand (There is also indoor beach volleyball, but it is much smaller than beach and hard court)

Is it easier to get hurt in indoor volleyball or outdoor volleyball?

You can get hurt in both but indoor volleyball should be in wood, i mean, the floor, so if you fall you will hurt more than in the grass or sand.

What are the types of playing surfaces for playing volleyball?

Men's and Women's indoor volleyball, and beach volleyball men's and women's

What are fall sports in college?

In college you can play: Indoor Soccer Indoor Handball Indoor Swimming Indoor Floor Hockey Ice Hockey Basketball Football Baseball Golf Indoor Tennis Indoor Volleyball Dodgeball (Intramural) Dance Team Cross-Country

Is beach volleyball and volleyball different?

Yes, Beach Volleyball is always played on a beach or a sand court, whereas Indoor Volleyball must always be played inside on a floor. But they both have the same rules in Volleyball it's just the court that is different. In terms of difficulty, a Beach court is much more harder than a indoor court. It is harder on a Beach court because the sand weighs you down when you are running and jumping, and the wind plays a very big role when it comes to playing Beach Volleyball. Whereas Indoor Volleyball is safe from the elements and the floor is solid so you can run easily and jump higher than on a Beach court.

What materails are used for a volleyball court?

you will obviously need a volleyball! and a volleyball net is needed. It depends on whether the court is outside or inside. if the court is inside, a gym at a school will most likely already have the lines painted on the floor. If the court is outside, a wire/rope can be spiked into the ground creating the playing area.

Can the volleyball ever hit the floor?

when ever the volleyball happens to hit the floor it will count against u

Dig in volleyball?

A dig is when you dive down onto the floor to get the volleyball.

Is volleyball in the Paralympics?

Yes, its called sitting volleyball because the players sit on the floor.

What is the safest way to play volleyball?

Many indoor volleyball players wear kneepads to protect knees when they hit the floor to dig a ball. Professional indoor players will also wear ankle braces to prevent spraining. A frequent injury in volleyball occurs when two players jump up at the net and one twists his or her ankle when landing on the other players' foot. Of course, players should wear loose clothing and no jewelry. Assess players' experience before starting a game.

How tall is a volleyball net from the floor?

Type your answer here... how tall is a volleyball net

What floor do you use indoor soccer shoes?
