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Q: What is the American name for table football?
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Related questions

What was football called at first?

American football was first known as association football. The world knows soccer by the name "football," rather than American football.

What is the popular name of football in the US?

In the USA you have American football and soccer.

When was Table football created?

Table football was created in 1937.

What is name ball American football?

Wilson is the manufacturer and brand of the official NFL football.

Why did the American Professional Football Association change to the National Football League?

The American Football League changed their name to the National Football League because not only America was playing it. I mean Football was started in the U.k by Walter Camp. Football is a National sport so there for the name was changed.

What is the American name for the European football?

Soccer you Cow

What is other name of the game handball?

American football

What are the different kinds of football?

Association football (Soccer), Five-a-side soccer, Gaelic football, Rugby League, Wheelchair rugby,Freestyle football, Rugby Union, American football, Canadian, Australian football, Subbuteo, Table football and quite a few more.

What is the name of the person who founded American football?

Walter camp

Where was American football most popular?

in America it says it in the name

What is a another name for football?

English football in America is called Soccer or American football in England is like rugby =)

Why is soccer referred to as footbol?

The real name for Soccer is Football. You use your foot, to move the ball. Football was invented before American Football, the rules were written before American Football's rules. American Football shouldn't be called Football because the foot is barely used.