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normal sports have many different people that play it

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Q: What is different between normal sports and strange sports?
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Well like any other normal people Ball, it was just played different in our sports similar to the US

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um the high school sports has a lower level of compition and less intensity than collage

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They're both actually sports... but athletics is a different type of sports... For example, high jump or long jump... Other than that is normal sports... :) Hope this helps...

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Competition between teams from different schools is called intermural sports and competition between teams from the same school is called intramural sports.

What is a strange sports fact?

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What is a sports car top speed?

As fast as it can go. There are many different sports cars out there, as well as opinions of what defines a sports car. Performance specs vary between vehicles.

How does coaching individual sports differ from coaching team sports?

There are differences between coaching individual sports and team sports. The biggest difference is the interaction with the athlete or athlete. Groups have different strengths and weaknesses causing a different approach to coaching to fit a person or person's objectives.