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soft ones

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Q: What is better for more grip hard Skateboard wheels or soft ones?
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Do soft skateboard wheels grip the ground better than the hard wheels?


What are the advantages of different kinds of skateboard wheels?

Bigger wheels make it easier to roll over cracks in the road. softer wheels are good for riding vert because they grip the ground alot better than hard wheels.

Do hard skateboard wheels wear faster than soft skateboard wheels?


How do you tell if skateboard wheels are hard or soft?

It depends, harder skate wheels are designed for sliding like reverts or finishing a full cab. Softer wheels (gummy wheels) are designed for grip making it alot harder to slide

What classifies as hard and soft wheels on a skateboard?

It's all a matter of testing the wheels out, there is no scale, they can range from as soft as cruiser wheels to as hard as bones wheels.

What are good skateboard wheels for rough concrete?

Get a softer textured wheel rather than a hard one. The softer wheel will absorb more shock and it will grip the surface of the ground a lot better. id say a wheel with a durometer of 83B would be good

What does 78a mean?

78a would be a soft wheels those wheels are usally on long boards or cruisers "#a" would be the durometer of a skateboard wheel 90-100+ is usally a hard wheel 80- is softer. harder wheels are for tricks and street skateboarding and they slide easier as well. as for soft wheels they grip better and you glide over cracks and dont feel it pretty cool soft wheels are for vert and crusing skateboarders

Is it true if you put skateboard wheels in the freezer and the wheels stay hard?

Yes, they are faster when they are put in the freezer.

Are hard wheels better then rubber wheels for skateboarding?

it depends, you can't board on dirt with hard wheels but hard wheels are better for streets and skate parks

Why can't you skateboard on grass?

Skateboarding on grass is difficult because the wheels of the skateboard are designed for hard, smooth surfaces like pavement or concrete. Grass is uneven and soft, making it hard to maintain balance and generate speed. Additionally, the friction between the wheels and grass is high, which can make it harder to glide smoothly.

What are the best skate boarding wheels in the world?

its hard to say because most wheels are made of a very hard polyurethane Most pro skaters would have spit fire wheels. everyone knows that Ricta wheels are way better first of all they don't peel and Ricta naturals don't interupt grind on ledges... Ricta bolts are flat spot ressistant... Ricta wheels also slide better for big spins... and Ricta chrome cores help your bearings from snapping... with good grip! so, Ricta is the best.

What type of style skateboard is good for tricks?

The original type of skateboard is much better than the other! It is very hard to do tricks on longboards and on plastic cruisers