It depends, harder skate wheels are designed for sliding like reverts or finishing a full cab. Softer wheels (gummy wheels) are designed for grip making it alot harder to slide
Tell them to keep trying as well as teach them methods that can help them feel more comfortable on a skateboard. No one is naturally comfortable when getting on a piece of wood with wheels for the first time not knowing what to do. You just need to help them not think of it as a piece of wood with wheels and help them see it as something that can be really fun.
h-oh- (hard 'o', not soft) -tell
Get hit by one and tell me. A baseball is relatively hard, but not as hard as a golf ball, but harder than a tennis ball.
By sticking you penis into it and feeling it its soft.
no they tell someone.
There are two ways, you can tell visually by seeing if there is any sign of wrinkles on the shell, and if you cant tell visually, then just lightly poke the shell. If it gives way a little bit, you know it has a soft shell.
I'm pretty sure there aren't any knockoff skateboard companys.
the hard brush should be used first (after the curry comb usually) to loosen and knock off any clumps of mud and most of the dirt. a soft brush should be used after to get any remaining dust off. to tell the difference, actually rub your hand with the brush. one should seem more prickly and rough and 'hard' while the other should feel considerably less rough and more 'soft', get it?
To tell if an apple is bad or not, squeeze it, if its lumpy and soft, its bad, if its hard its good, GOT IT?
Have a routine servicing done. They will tell you if they see a real problem.
Not a skater, but, I am a "nerd". It's because you push OFF of the skateboard. It's hard to explain, but go to youtube, and watch how their feet are angled, and which way the board goes. It will make better sense. Easier to show than tell. Never seen anyone jump off a skateboard and NOT have it go the other way, if you do, Good Job, because I hang out with a lot of really good skaters!
Yes the tail (the back end) is where your skateboard graphics looks upside down when you look at the bottom. The Nose( the front is when you look at your board griptape side down and your nose is where your graphics are pointing up and look nice and sweet.