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Q: What is 6 consecutive strikes in the game of bowling called?
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What is twelve consecutive strikes in bowling called?

A perfect game.

What is three consecutive strikes in the game of bowling called?

The term for three strikes in a row is called a three bager.for fun bowling a turkey.

What is a birdie in bowling?

There is nothing called a "birdie" in bowling. There is however a "turkey" which is to bowl three consecutive strikes in a game.

What is the record for consecutive strikes in Wii bowling?

I bowled 4 consecutive perfect games in Wii bowling and 6 consecutive strikes in the next game for a total of 54 consecutive strikes. A few months later I bowled 5 consecutive perfect games in Wii bowling and 6 consecutive strikes in the next game for a new record of 66 consecutive strikes. Ray

What is five consecutive strikes in bowling called?

It is now called Yahtzee!5 consecutive strikes in bowling is called a 5-bagger.There are no special names for strikes other than hambone/double for two consecutive strikes, turkey for three consecutive strikes, and clover for four consecutive strikes. Anything after that is call a "x bagger." X = the number of consecutive strikes thrown. For example. If you threw seven strikes in a row, it would called a seven bagger.5 baggerIn bowling if a person were to get 3 strikes in a row, at anytime in a game, that's called a " Turkey ". 5 strikes in row is called a " Goose " , 10 in a row is a "swan" and ,12 in row is of course a " perfect game ".

In bowling how many successive strikes do you need to accomplish a perfect game of 300?

You need 12 consecutive strikes.

What is the most consecutive strikes made in bowling?

the most possible in one game is 12. in a series: 36

How much points is a turkey in bowling?

First Response:Three Turkeys.Second Response:If you are looking at it as a turkey is a strike thrown in three consecutive frames, then the answer is three. If you look at a turkey as three consecutive strikes, then the answer is four. There are twelve possible strikes in a perfect game of bowling (12 / 3 = 4).

What is the bowling frame that does not have a strike or a spare called?

Yes, a game with all marks (Spares and Strikes) is called a clean game.

What is it eleven strikes in bowling called?

Nothing in particular. Eight Bagger. There are no special names for strikes other than double for two consecutive strikes, turkey for three consecutive strikes, and clover for four consecutive strikes. Anything after that is call a "x bagger." X = the number of consecutive strikes thrown. For example. If you threw seven strikes in a row, it would called a seven bagger An eight-bagger.

What is a 300 in bowling?

A 300 in bowling is a perfect game, with 12 strikes in a row.

Who holds the record for most consecutive strikes in Ten-Pin Bowling?

According to "With a string of 40 in-a-row, LPBT champion Jeanne Naccarato, Tacoma Wash, is recognized as the most prolific stringer of strikes in history. She had 33 consecutive strikes in an 864 series, then started off her next game with seven more."