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he need to be strong and very fat

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Q: What does an athlete need to skii well?
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Does Justin Bieber skii?

i think he does

Why does a well train athlete recover faster than a untrained athlete?

the well traind athlete has more experience and better rehab

How do you get to the bottom of the ski hill?

Skii down ?

What is pitera?

SKII's star ingredient for skin.

How do you do a donut on a jet skii?

Tether it to a pole or use an anchor.

What sort of diet does an athlete need?

I think the athlete needs a healthy diet

Club penguin where is the attic?

go to the skii lodge and climb the ladder

How do Ski-doos work?

water skiis work because when your in the water first of all theyre wood and wood floats on water and all the presure when your water skiing goes to the bottom of the skii if you know how to water skii and causes the skii to glide over the water but you have to find out how to balance your wait when your skiing and know how to ski or else that will be an epic fail!

How can you prevent athlete's foot?

To prevent Athlete's Foot you need to change socks daily or when you feel they are very wet. Also after you are done swimming dry your feet very well and get in between your toes. Also do not urinate on your feet.

What is capabilities would an athlete need?

need to running fast

Is Michael schumacher the most well paid athlete?

No, Tiger Woods is the worlds highest paid athlete.