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Q: What do you do when your dad misses your first football match?
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the point of vew is that harry dad miises him and harry reliases that he misses him

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Why does your dad play football?

My dad does not play football; he is deceased.

Beyonce have famous football playing dad?

No, her dad Matthew Knowles was never a football player

How did Peyton Manning get in football?

His brother and his dad played football.

Which football player came from jail and play football world cup?

my dad

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because he got really goood at football with his dad but then terrells dad died so sence he was very good at football he wanted to join in the denver broncos

What to do with your dad on a Sunday night?

Sunday Night Football

Why is reaction time needed in football?

yah dad

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Do you need quick reactions for football?

ya dad

What doesn't Taylor Swift like about being on the road?

She doesn't like being on the road because she misses her dad and brother who stay at home.