

What do people playing volleyball have to wear?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What do people playing volleyball have to wear?
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How many players should be on the court in volleyball?

6 people i think because I'm playing volleyball in gym and we played in with 6 people

When playing with 4 people on a volleyball court can 3 of those players be front row positions?

Playing with four people is not regulation volleyball so you can really set it up however you want.

Why is softball confused with volleyball?

In volleyball, volleyball is a soft ball. Same thing with softball. That's why people confuse softball with volleyball. Also, the guy who is answering your question sees girls playing volleyball when I hear the term "softball."

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Is volleyball like beach ball?

Beach volleyball is less painful then volleyball. In beach volleyball you dig into sand instead of a gym floor. Beach volleyball is hotter and you wear short shorts and a short but tight top. Most people wear sunglasses and you can play bearfooted. In volleyball they wear a jersey and short shorts. They wear tennis shoes also.

Does the libero wear a different color top?

The Libero in Volleyball is like a GoalKeeper in Soccer, The Libero is the most skilled defender in Volleyball. And in the rules of volleyball the Libero must wear a contrasting outfit to the team

Can you wear gloves in volleyball?

yes you can wear gloves for volleyball cause ur hand will turn reder if u dont wear gloves

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soccer Rugby Lacrosse Basketball tennis golf track volleyball boxing

Why do the women volleyball players wear bikinis?

It attracts many men, so more people can come.

What cloth is typically worn for playing volleyball?

Usually, to be the most comfortable in your playing time, you should probably wear some type of spandex, or you could possibly wear looses shorts. As for tops, wear something comfortable: maybe a loose cotton shirt. If you have jerseys, I prefer spandex material, or something tight. Not big and baggy that possibly could get in the way.

Why do volleyball players wear knee socks?

you have to wear kneepads when you are playing volleyball because the pads protect your knee from breaking and busting when a hard serve is served. The kneepads have a soft little pillow in all kneepads to keep from hurting your knee so you can't play any sports.