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a laurel wreath

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Q: What did the competition winner of the ancient Olympics receive?
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What prize did the each winner receive in the ancient Olympics?

A head wreath.

Is it true that ancient Olympics and modern Olympics each winner receives a gold medal?

No...In the ancient Olympics the winner received a olive wreath

In the ancient Greek Olympic games what did the winner receive?

A wreath of olive branches was placed on the winner's head at the ancient Olympics in Greece.

Who was Kyniska?

she was an ancient Greece Olympics winner. She proved that women are capable of winning the Olympics, too.

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There were no non sports.

What did the winner get has a reward in the Olympics ancient grecce?

They got a wreath and money

What was the winner's award in the ancient Olympics?

Crown of Wild olive Leaves

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What did the winner in ancient games receive?

An Olive Branch crown

How did Louis Spyridon make history in 1896?

He was the winner of the first Modern Olympics marathon competition in 1896.

Who won the silver medal in women's ƩpƩe at the Rio 2016 Olympics?

The winner of the silver medal in the Women's épée competition at the Rio 2016 Olympics was Rossella Fiamingo.

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The Netherlands was the bronze medal winner in the Men's Eight competition at the Rio 2016 Olympics.