

What are the most popular college sports?

Updated: 3/8/2020
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Q: What are the most popular college sports?
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lackham college is the best

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College sports are typically more watched than pro sports. This is because there are a lot of college sports fans.

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The NFL and College Football are really popular sports watched in the USA. Football is the most popular spectator sport in the US.

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the most popular sports is football

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College football is popular because football in general is one of the most popular sports in the US. College is appealing to many people because the athletes are playing for the love of the game and not for money.

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That would be the Nebraska Cornhuskers (College). Indeed it would be. Without question.

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The two most popular sports are football, and soccer.

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The popular High School and College Sports are Rugby,Football and Hockey. Not Soccer as much.

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