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The benefits of a Basketball court range from being able to play basketball to being able to have a nice place to exercise. If you love basketball, the benefits are endless. The main benefit is just so you can play the game of basketball.

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The correct name for it is A basketball court.

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A common name for a basketball ground would be a basketball court.

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a basketball court

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On a basketball court. Normally in schools, there is a basketball court.

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What is the size of the court in basketball?

A basketball court is 94 feet long and 50 feet wide.

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Where is basketball generaly played?

on a basketball court

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a basketball court

How do you spell basketball in Chinese?

籃球 法院 That means Basketball, Court Not the a Basketball court. It is: 篮球场 Unless you want to know how to say basketball AND how to say court (like the highest court of human rights)