

What are some of the ways of Martial Arts used throughout time?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Look up "Boxer Rebellion"

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Q: What are some of the ways of Martial Arts used throughout time?
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Martial arts is a violent past time and children should not practice it.?

Martial arts is a violent past time and children should not practice it.

What can you conclude about martial arts?

Martial arts is an amazing skill that, unlike other time wasting activities, can help you survive in real life.

What is better martial arts or MMA?

Mixed Martial Arts is martial arts, which should be obvious from the name. Over time all martial arts are very similar. While they start with different focus, they eventually blend together, as the human body can only move in a limited number of ways.

Is Jason Alexander a martial arts expert?

I saw him on some TV show and he said that he studied one branch of martial arts and became quite proficient in it.He said that one time, some guy tried to mug him and he gave him a sound beating.I have no idea if he is truly proficient in that martial art. But I am telling the truth about his saying he is proficient in that branch of the martial arts and that he gave that mugger a sound beating.

What is the ultimate form of martial arts?

There is no 'ultimate' form. Martial arts were developed in many places over great stretches of time. They take many forms.

What are all the martial arts?

There are a limtless number of martial arts and new ones such as xma and mma are being developed all the time but all martial arts find there roots in a set of stretches used by monks stay fit in ancient china

What was the first martial arts?

If you want to be very technical about it, the martial arts were created at the beginning of time - they just weren't called martial arts. The need to defend one's self began with our need to defend ourselves against animals and predators in the wild - using clubs and our bare hands. They certainly evolved as the martial arts developed over time, and named arts were formed as necessity in different countries throughout history, but the real answer is that they've always existed.

Which one will make someone stronger boxing or martial arts?

Both are very active sports and will improve strength and reaction time. Martial arts are usually better for flexibility.

What does it take to be a martial arts professional?

Good teaching skills, a lot of dedication and time spent training. It is very difficult to earn a living as a martial arts instructor or competitor.

How many styles of martial arts can a person know before the age of 29?

It is impossible to know any martial art in anyamount of time. Besides you do not need to know several martial arts. If you find a martial arts that suits you and train, train and train, then in 3-4 years you should be pretty proficient at it. Everyone who studys martial arts are always learning. If anyone says they know a martial art, they are either lying or have a massive ego.

Can you practice martial arts and jump program at the same time?

maybe yes

Who created Martial Arts the Chinese or Koreans?

Neither. Martial arts began in separate countries around the world as mankind evolved. Self defense is a natural instinct, and that's where martial arts started. Almost every country has their own form of martial arts that's been around for hundreds, even thousands of years. Over time, as cultures and countries began to interact with trading , traveling, etc, the martial arts was mingled and mixed as people shared their ideas. This continues to this day.