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A stick and a pine cone?

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Q: What are some alternative items that could be used in a ball and bat type of sport?
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What sport do you play with a lead ball?

There are a lot of things you can do with a ball like playing catch. If the ball is small enough you could play tennis or if it is dense enough, basketball.

What sport could you play using kitchen implements?

dodge ball

Which extreme sport is most dangerous?

foot ball is the most dangerouse4 sport because it hard and you could get hurt durring it

What is the sport polo that involves horses?

with the little ball and mallet it's called polo...hit the ball with the mallet into the goal.another alternative as per wiki : "Buzkashi or kokpar is the Central Asian sport in which horse-mounted players attempt to drag a goat carcass toward a goal."

Is bocce ball an Italian sport?

Bocce ball is NOT an Olympic sport, sadly.

What sport uses the ball as defense?

You can use the ball as defense in the sport of dodgeball.

What is the fast ball sport?

The fast ball sport is baseball, a fast ball is basically when a pitcher just throws the ball staight at the strike zone.

Sport that has a letter z in it?

There is a sport where you get in a ball and roll down a hill its called Zorb ball.

Is soft ball a sport?

Yes softball is a sport.

I am sport you how do usee?

you how am use sport ball like that

What do kids in Madagascar do for fun?

They could play box ball and etc.....

What is considered to be the oldest sport known humankind?

The first sort ball sporting action takes place in the cavemen age as they use to throw rocks back and forth with each other. The first ball sport is nearly impossible to pinpoint since the ball shape is nothing recent in history. The first recorded form of ball sport would be the first Olympics where they use to see how far you could throw a spherical ball