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When bungee jumping, people go head first because the bungee cord is attached to their feet, and if they reamined in an upright position until they reached the end of the cord, it would flip them upside down with a very large amount of force. This would create a painful whiplash and greatly increase the risk of injury to the jumper, especially in to their spine.

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Q: Why go head first in bungee jumping?
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Related questions

Is it safe to go bungee jumping with no rope?

Yes. However, bungee jumping without a bungee chord will probably result in serious injury or, more likely, death.

When is the right time to go bungee jumping?

all the time.

Where is the best place to go bungee jumping in VA?

on your mom

What is the best place to go bungee jumping?

Taupo Bungy, New Zealand

What specific country did Justin Bieber go bungee jumping?

New Zealand

Would Chris Brown go bungee jumping?

go ask him on his myspace when he is on go ask him on his myspace when he is on

Did Justin Bieber jump off a cliff?

He did go bungee jumping in New Zealand

What is the chance of going blind by bungee jumping?

well if you are bungee jumping on a warm day then your chances are low. however if it is a day that is 70 degrees or lower you will go blind almost with no doubt. This astonishing discovery has been founded by me. So remember all you crazy kats out their go jumping when its hott or pay the prices.

When is the royal gorge bungee jumping open Also what's the cost per jump?

The Royal Gorge does not allow bungee jumping. In the past, people could do it only during the Go Fast games, but there are none scheduled at this time.

Can a 15 years old child allowed to do bungee jump in Nepal?

Yes, I saw a three year old go paragliding in France, so I think you would be allowed to go bungee jumping in Nepal.

What should you eat before you go bungee jumping?

Banna's nothing that's gonna come up when you jump

Is it good to do bungee jumping or not?

well ya, its fun, if you like free falling this is the thing for you i have been bungee jumping many times the first time you do it you can get nervous but after you do it you will want to do it over and over again. but if your scared of heights im gonna warn you know you are problie gonna have a bad time but if you love being high up go for it cuz u will love it!! i no i did