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If you wanted to know if this is true, then yes, this is the Bends.

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Q: The bends also known as decompression sickness is as painful condidtion that occurs in scuba divers who asend too quickly.?
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Who gets decompression sickness?

Scuba divers who surface too quickly after a deep dive are prone to decompression sickness.

What causes decompression for divers?

Decompression is where you de-compress or return to the surface or shallower water. Under pressure, gasses dissolve into the blood. Sometimes decompressing quickly can mean that these gasses cannot come out of your lungs easily and the result on your body is similar to opening a bottle of carbonated drink. These bubbles are very dangerous and can cause decompression sickness. also known as the bends or caisson's disease. This can be avoided by not going very deep or staying down too long and returning to the surface slowly.

What was a disadvantage of living in the city?

Diseases and sickness spread more quickly.

What was a disadvantage of living in a city?

Diseases and sickness spread more quickly.

How do divers get the bends?

It has to do with the change in pressure on the body. The Bends happen when the body experiences a quick decrease in pressure. We mostly associate The Bends with a diver ascending too quickly from a deep depth back to the surface. But "decompression sickness", as it is more formally called, can happen from changes in altitude, too, or even after exiting mines and going back to the surface.

What are symptoms of sickness from mold?

Sickness from mold is often quickly onset, though there are a few warnings, such as; various shivers and cold/heat flashes, coughing, and sleepiness or fainting.

What is grass sickness in horses?

Grass sickness is when something happens to the horse e.g. too much sweet grass ,etc, when they lose weight very quickly and eventually die.

In which hobby could you suffer from the bend?

If you are refering to "the bends", the official name is "Decompression Sickness" or DCS and is a 'hazard' of diving. Long explanation short, the diver in question rises too quickly from the high pressure environment of the "deep sea" and bubbles of gas form in the blood which can cause a multitude of ailments, the worst being death. Visit for more detals.

Why do we get altitude sickness?

Altitude sickness occurs when people increase altitude too quickly. What is the cause of altitude sickness? Acute mountain sickness is caused by reduced air pressure and lower oxygen levels at high altitudes. The faster you climb to a high altitude, the more likely you will get acute mountain sickness. You are at higher risk for acute mountain sickness if: You live at or near sea level and travel to a high altitude. Oct 16, 2017

What is the sickness brought by European explorers that spread quickly infected many Native Americans?

small pox and Contagious Disease :)

What sickness brought by euorpean explorers spread quickly and killed many native Americans?

Spanish brought small pox

What would happen if you had motion sickness and you watched the horror movie Cloverfield?

Because the whole movie is supposedly filmed on a video camera, it moves quickly from scene to scene and can give you head aches, even if you don't have motion sickness. If you did have motion sickness, you would probably feel sick and have head aches. This is why in some theatres it says warning: motion sickness