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Decompression is where you de-compress or return to the surface or shallower water. Under pressure, gasses dissolve into the blood. Sometimes decompressing quickly can mean that these gasses cannot come out of your lungs easily and the result on your body is similar to opening a bottle of carbonated drink. These bubbles are very dangerous and can cause decompression sickness. also known as the bends or caisson's disease. This can be avoided by not going very deep or staying down too long and returning to the surface slowly.

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Q: What causes decompression for divers?
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How do you use the word decompression in a sentence?

The decompression of gas caused the tube to break. Removing compression from something is decompression.

What decompression sickness do scuba divers suffer from?

It is called "The Bends"

Who gets decompression sickness?

Scuba divers who surface too quickly after a deep dive are prone to decompression sickness.

What is Air decompression table 1-26X?

Air decompression table 1-26X is a set of specific guidelines used in commercial diving operations to plan safe ascent profiles for divers who have been exposed to increased pressure at depth. The table outlines the time limits and depths where the divers can safely ascend to prevent decompression sickness. Divers must follow this table to ensure their safety during decompression.

What is the gas that causes decompression sickness?

Nitrogen is the gas that causes decompression sickness, also known as the bends. When a diver ascends too quickly, nitrogen bubbles can form in the bloodstream and tissues, leading to symptoms such as joint pain, weakness, and dizziness.

What are other names for the bends?

Decompression sickness (DCS) is the medical condition also called divers' disease, the bends, or caisson disease.

Why do scuba divers need to be depressurised?

That only occurs when divers remain under longer than the recommended no-decompression limits. But it is done to allow the body to slowly rid itself of nitrogen that has built up in the bloodstream due to breathing pressurized air at depth. If it isn't done, the bubbles pop in a blood and cause decompression sickness, which is very dangerous.

What are three factors that made pearl diving so dangerous in the early 1900s?

Free divers risk the danger of drowning while underwater, especially in areas requiring divers to descend to extreme depths. All pearl divers risk encountering dangers under the water, including sharks and other sea life. Many Australian pearl divers perished during storms that claimed the pearling boats while the divers were still on the bottom. Beyond environmental hazards, pearl divers also have to cope with the "bends," a condition caused when rapid decompression from quick surface ascent causes nitrogen bubbles to form in the bloodstream.

What gas is most directly responsible for the bends or decompression sickness that divers may experience?

Nitrogen gas is the most directly responsible for the bends, also known as decompression sickness, in divers. The bends occur when nitrogen that has been absorbed by tissues during a dive forms bubbles as the diver ascends too quickly, causing pain and potentially serious health effects.

The bends also known as decompression sickness is as painful condidtion that occurs in scuba divers who asend too quickly.?

If you wanted to know if this is true, then yes, this is the Bends.

What causes melting of material under divergent plate boundaries Is it melting of rock recompression of rock freezing of rock or decompression of rock?

Melting of material under divergent plate boundaries is primarily caused by decompression of rock as tectonic plates move apart, reducing pressure on the underlying mantle and allowing rock to melt. This process creates magma that rises to the surface, forming new crust along the mid-ocean ridges.

What do divers call a bubble of gas formed in their circulatory system?

The condition where gas forms bubbles in a diver's system is known as decompression sickness, or more commonly referred to as, the bends. The only effective treatment to avoid severe pain and death is time in a decompression chamber.