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"Pointing" your feet. The scientific term is "plantar flexion," but most ballerinas just say that they are pointing their feet or toes.

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Q: The act of point the toes downward?
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What is pointing the toes downward?

Plantar Flexion

What is this called Feet turned medially and toes pointed inferiorly?

That is called "pigeon-toed" or "toeing in." It is a postural alignment issue where the feet turn inward and the toes point downward, often causing the individual to walk with their toes pointed toward each other.

How many toes most birds have?

Most birds are known for having a total of four toes. There are three toes that point forward and two that point back.

Why do my toes curl when I point my feet?

Your toes are curling because it is your bodies natural way of trying to point your feet farther. If it makes you feel any better my feet do it too.

What is to move downward?

To move downward is to descend or lower oneself from a higher point to a lower point in space. It often involves moving in the direction of gravity.

What muscle is the synergist of plantar flexion of the foot?

The gastrocnemius muscle is the synergist of plantar flexion of the foot. It works together with the soleus muscle to help push the foot downward and point the toes.

What is mobile and has tentacles that generally point downward?

A jellyfish.

How accelerate change when third force act in downward direction?

Then - according to Newton's Second Law - you would have more acceleration downward.

What is shrimping in sex?

Shrimping refers to the act of sucking on a person's toes for sexual pleasure. It is a form of fetish behavior that some individuals find erotic.

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What is the difference point and ballet?

well point shoes are ballet shoes that have a hard bit around the toes that allow you to go up on the tips of your toes without hurting them!!!