Your toes are curling because it is your bodies natural way of trying to point your feet farther. If it makes you feel any better my feet do it too.
"Pointing" your feet. The scientific term is "plantar flexion," but most ballerinas just say that they are pointing their feet or toes.
Dancers who dance en Pointe they wear shoes that are so tight that they're feet have hardly any room to move. Then they push themselves up onto the end, the toes are on the very tips, but can sometimes be curled under. It depends on how the dancer prefers to wear their shoes.
Ballerinas do not necessarily have curved feet. It all depends on the dancer's tendu (i.e foot being pointed). Some dancers have naturally strong and flexible toes and feet, while others have to work to improve their arches in the feet. If you wanted to go on to Pointe, you would have to have extremely strong feet and a good arch. If you want, try this: Point your toes and then you will see that everyone has curved feet, it's just that ballerinas have more developed feet. :) I hope that helps answer your question! - Dottini :P (The Ballet Girl)
well point shoes are ballet shoes that have a hard bit around the toes that allow you to go up on the tips of your toes without hurting them!!!
absolutely not. because with hip-hop you flex your feet (you don't point them), you dance more to the beat and it was created on the streets. with jazz you have to point your toes, perform leaps and it is judged more harshly.
Why does your toes curl when the foot is tickled?because your feet and your toes are connetced to the same muscle and when the foot is tickled the toes automaticaly curl up .:)
"Pointing" your feet. The scientific term is "plantar flexion," but most ballerinas just say that they are pointing their feet or toes.
height for example is ....fingers to fingers or head to feet(the point of them,,,(the point of there tippy toes)
Ligaments in the toes respond to serotonin released during coitus. Contraction is a involuntary response to this process.
That is called "pigeon-toed" or "toeing in." It is a postural alignment issue where the feet turn inward and the toes point downward, often causing the individual to walk with their toes pointed toward each other.
Do you mean toes or feet? or both...
A point is a zero-dimensional object. It has no length, width, height, etc. Coordinates are the numerical location of that point. Point A can be at the coordinates (2,3) on a Cartesian grid.
Well it depends how big your toes are! Assuming they are regular human feet, 7x5 = 35 toes.
The purebred American Curl has a chocolate and lilac point coat.
Yes, the purebred American Curl can have a chocolate point coat.
African elephants have 4 toes on their front feet and 3 toes on their back feet.