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Q: State in which basketball was invented?
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What state did basketball start?

Basketball was invented in Massachussetts.

What city and state was basketball invented?

Springfield, Massachusetts.

What State basketball was invented?

springfield, Massachusetts

What sport was invented first football or basketball?

Football was invented in the early 1800's. Basketball was invented in 1891.

When was wheelchair basketball invented?

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Who invented basketball and how is it different?

James Naismith invented basketball.

Where was basketball discovered at?

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What sports were not invented in US?

Soccer and Rugby was not invented in US

What year were basketball hoops invented?

Basketball was invented in the late 18 hundreds specifically 1891.

What came first volleyball or basketball?

Basketball was invented first. Basketball was invented in 1891 by James Naismith, but volleyball was invented in 1895 by William Morgan. Basketball was invented first. Basketball was invented in 1891 by James Naismith, but volleyball was invented in 1895 by William Morgan. Oops, didn't mean to put my answer up there twice. Sorry!

Was basketball really called basketball when it was invented?


Who already invented the basketball and what year it invented?

AG Spalding invented the first basketball used in an official game in 1929.