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Q: My nipples are red areolas are darker and my nipples are very tender What could this be?
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If your areolas are bigger and darker could you be pregnant?

yes you could be that's 1 of the signs of pregnancy i wud take a test good luck

Could your nipples get darker and get bigger in false pregnancy?

I hope si

My nipples have got darker but its just a round circul round your nipple that is dark what could be wrong or could it be nothing?

Could be pregnant

I dont know if im pregnant but you feel like your nipples r leaking is that a sign you could be pregnant?

way too early for your nipples to be feeling like they are leaking. normally its just sore nipples/darker nipples or aerola. and heavy/sore boobs hun.

What does it mean when your nipples are sore and really tender to touch and are 9 days overdue for period?

That u could very possibly be pregnant

Do nipples get darker as you get older?

yes they do get darker. example when you breast feed the child will suck your niple and will cut off cirulation and there it will turn darker. You could also tight up a rubber band in the nipple and leave it their for a few minutes. Thnx

I have not missed my period yet i had spotting and brownish discharge after ovulation and my breast are tender and my nipples are white in the center could that be a sure sign of pregnancy?

well, the tender breast and the miss of your period is a sign but i dont know about discharge you need to take a pregant test.

You are expecting your period in a week and your nipples have become darker and you have been nauseous for 3 days is this a sign of PMS or pregnancy?

This could be a sign of pms or pregnancy. The only way to be sure is take a test!

Why does your areolas change color?

i once heard it was so that the baby could find them easier...who knows

Could you be pregnant if you got your period but had breast soreness that went away yet you still have little bumps on your nipples?

yes. i have had 4 children and never suffered tender breasts with any of them

I missed my period about two weeks ago and still haven't started Now my nipples hurt Is it hormones or could I be pregnant?

both. you should go and get a pregnancy test; I'm about months pregnant now and when i was about 6 weeks (or 2 weeks past due on my period), my nipples started to get darker and more sensitive. although, it could be stress - but to play it safe, if you have had unprotected sex, go get tested now