

Is there a penalty for cheating in curling?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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i imagine that you would be kicked out of the game

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Q: Is there a penalty for cheating in curling?
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If your time expires, you automatically lose the game. Thus, making quick strategic decisions and being ready when it's your turn to shoot is very important in curling. Because the penalty for using up your time is so harsh, you almost never see it happen in high-level curling.

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Le curling (masculine noun): J'aime le curling (I like curling) Du curling: j'ai fait du curling (I played curling)

How do you get disqualified from curling?

I'm not sure what you mean. I imagine that if you were caught cheating, or doing drugs, or anything like that, your team would be disqualified just like any Olympic sport.

How do you cheat at the sport curling?

Well actually it is impossible. The only possible way you could even say they were cheating is if they hit the other teams rock. Other than that they really can't cheat. Technically any infraction of the 1 000 000 000 rules (there obviously aren't that many, but curling has more rules than any other sport I've ever played) is considered cheating. However, because of the nature of the game, cheating that would cause a great improvement for you will be quite obvious. Yet, most forms of cheating (the ones that go unnoticed) are petty little things that do not really help you in the game (ex. slight brooming of a rock, releasing the rock slightly over the hog line,etc.). At the end of the day there really is no use cheating in the game of curling, it doesn't really help you out anyways. Besides the game is supposed to be about fun, honesty, sportsmanship and fair play - so by cheating you're really defeating the purpose of the whole game.

What olympic sport was played with a stone and broom?

Curling...Oh, how I hate Curling. :P

How do you say are you curling tonight?

If you mean 'curling (your hair)': Are you curling tonight = Ensortijas anoche? If you mean the game of curling (on ice), there is no Spanish equivalent, so you'd have to say: Juegas a 'curling' anoche = Are you playing at 'curling' tonight?

What are the main pieces of equipment in curling?

the main pieces you need for curling are a good pair of curling shoes, curling gloves, a slider for your shoe, and a broom, the rocks are provided by the curling arena.