If your time expires, you automatically lose the game. Thus, making quick strategic decisions and being ready when it's your turn to shoot is very important in curling. Because the penalty for using up your time is so harsh, you almost never see it happen in high-level curling.
the bout goes to whoever gets the next touch whit no time limit
When the term of copyright protection expires, the work enters the public domain and can be reused with no limitations.
you play another end
It means it's dead or it died
You can renew it by pressing the gear.
You should have renewed your bus pass before it expires. You can't use an out of date bus pass.
NOTHING, doing it in 10 mins.
It should stay there.
You cannot use it until you renew it.
WolfQuest accounts do not expire.
When Time Expires - 1997 TV is rated/received certificates of: USA:PG-13
You no longer have a valid driving permit