that made no sense at all...
It does make sense or atleast I understand, I do believe that it is considered out of bounds. I could be wrong but I think that if it goes over the backboard most refs call that out.
If the ball bounces off the backboard or rim and you catch it before it hits the ground it counts as a rebound.
The ball is out because the back of the backboard (goal) is outside of the court.
no, and I'm guessing you mean basketball rules and regulations ahah.
no it can not. once it hits or goes over the top of the backboard it is officially out of bounds and its the other teams ball
The ball will dribble to high and out of control and if it hits rim or backboard It could bounce off
Out of bounds, same if it hits the very top or back of the backboard!
Probably no. If you shoot it OVER the rim and it hits nothing, it will go out of bounds and be awarded to the other team.If the shot is from the corner, a team mate could get a rebound and pass it back.So, possibly, but not likely.AnswerNo, that would be considered travelling. Well think about this if you shoot the ball over the backboard it will likely go out of court and tha ball will be awarded to the other team. but also even if you did shoot the ball over the backboard it is called a voilation of the rules so the other team will get the ball so most likely the other team will get the basketball even if the same team catches the ball
Not all lay-ups hit the backboard for example a finger roll.
It's off the defender who blocked the shot.
their is different types of violation one of them is foot violation that means that it has hit off a players foot and the opposite team gets side ball another one is backboard violation when it hits the side or back if the backboard and last back court violation it one you are one one side of the court and you go back onto the other side still with the ball.