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Q: Is gracie jujitsu the best fighting art?
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Related questions

What language does jujitsu come from?

Jujitsu is a Japanese martial art. The word is Japanese and means 'The gentle art.'

Is judo a martial art?

Yes, Judo is a martial art that was based on JuJitsu.

Is jujitsu a sport played in Canada?

Jujitsu is not a sport. It is a martial art that is practiced in many countries of the world including Canada.

What is the Olympic sport that is a martial art derived from Jujitsu?


Jujitsu in English?

Jujitsu means the Gentle Skill of the Art of Yielding and is a Japanese system of unarmed combat and physical training. It was the basis for Judo.

Can Brazilian Jujitsu be beaten?

Anything can be beaten, its not the martial art, its the individual fighter.

What is the Japanese martial art similar to judo?

Judo is the Japanese martial art that was derived from JuJitsu by Kano Sensei.

Can Jujitsu be used Aggresively?

There are some techniques in which Jujitsu can be used aggressively but from what I've seen...there aren't many. Jujitsu is not a martial art that teaches punches and kicks it teaches grapples and escapes, reversals and counters. Therefore making it more of a self defense martial art; than an aggressive one. Hope this helps.

Is isshinryu and jujitsu together a mixed martial art?

They are two different martial arts. MMA refers to different styles fighting against each other. These are two combined that would assist someone in MMA.

What is Big Data Jujitsu?

Jujitsu is a Japanese art of self-defense without the use of weapons. In businesses, the big data Jujitsu is the process / method / technique that does not use tools, taxonomies, data techniques or hierarchies to accomplish business goals.

What is a Japanese system of self-defense?

The Samurai were Japan's elite fighting forces, and they wore armor and had several specialized weapons. Sometimes, however, they might lose their weapons during the course of combat. For this reason they were highly proficient at the unarmed Japanese martial art of Jujitsu (Jujutsu). It is thought, however, that Jujitsu had it's roots in China and Tibet.

What is Brazil taekwondo?

You might be thinking of Jujitsu. Jujitsu is a Brazilian martial art, but it is not Taekwondo.