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Yes. The new record becomes both the Olympic Record and the World Record. You will notice this is the case for several events.

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Q: Is breaking the world record in an Olympic game delete the former Olympic record?
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Breaking a world record at the Olympics means you are breaking the world record, not just the Olympic record. Olympic records are specific to the Olympics event itself, whereas world records are recognized as the best performance in the world for that particular event.

Why is an Olympic record not considered to be a world record?

An Olympic record is the greatest achieved in the Olympic games. A world record is the greatest achieved anywhere, ever. In some instances an Olympic record is also the world record.

Is an olympic record the same as a world record?

No they are not the same. A World Record can be broken at any time. Whereas an Olympic Record can only be broken at the Olympic Games (it's a glorified Meet Record.) Keep in mind that a World Record CAN be set at the Olympic Games (which would in turn, automatically break the Olympic Record as well.) A World Record outranks an Olympic Record.

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A former Soviet gymnast holds the rocord, not an American. Her names is Larissa Latynina.

Do you capitalize Olympic record?

Yes, "Olympic record" should be capitalized because it refers to a specific record set at the Olympic Games.

Does a world record at the Olympics become the Olympic record also?

Yes, it automatically replaces the current Olympic record.

Did Arnold Schwarzenegger win any Olympic medals?

Yes. Speed skating. He still holds the Olympic record.

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In order to delete a record in a table you must first?

Identify the record you want to delete based on a specific criteria, such as an ID or value. Then, write a SQL DELETE statement with a condition that matches the record you want to delete. Finally, execute the SQL statement to remove the record from the table.

How do you delete a record click the record selector for the record and then press the keys in access?

To delete a record in Microsoft Access, you can click on the record selector for the record (the small gray box to the left of the record), then press the Delete key on your keyboard. Access will prompt you to confirm the deletion before permanently removing the record.