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A pawn

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Q: In the game of chess what type of piece is involved in the move en passant?
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Related questions

What game are you playing if you capture en passant?

Chess .

How many en passant can as a maximum occur in a game of chess?

As many as possible.

In the game chess what is the special exception of taking en-passant?

En-passant happens when the opponent moves a pawn up two squares, and only the turn immediately after the pawn moves, next to one of your pawns. Then, you take diagonally to the unoccupied space behind his/her pawn and remove his piece. It is the only chess move where the capturer does not take the opponent's piece's place.

In chess is their a queen or a minister?

In the game of chess there is a chess piece called the Queen.

What is a fairy chess piece?

A fairy chess piece is a chess piece not used in conventional chess, but used in certain chess variants and some chess problems. These pieces vary in movement abilities and possible additional properties.

Important piece in the game of chess?

the king

When playing the game chess do you have to take an opponents piece?


At the beginning of a chess game there are more of which piece?


What is the most important piece on the chess board?

Each of the chess pieces are important to the game of chess but the most valuable is , of course , the king . The queen , rooks , bishops and knights are also important to the game .Each of these chess pieces have an assigned value :King-invaluableQueen-9Rook-5Knight and Bishop-3Pawn-1

Can any piece kill any piece in chess?

The capture of the King is the penultimate goal in the game of chess .

In which game rook term is used?

Your question does not make sense. A rook is a piece in the game of Chess. It is the piece that (normally) looks like a castle tower.

What is generally considered to be strongest piece in the game?

It depends on the game. In checkers a king is strongest. In chess, the queen is the stronget.